Sell your music with CLARO MÚSICA

Claro Música is a digital music service from the America Móvil Group, the leading wireless services provider in Latin America. Claro Música gets your music heard in Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, and 12 other Latin American countries. Your fans can access your music when and however they want via Claro Música’s multi-platform experience.

Go Live Time

The content takes between 1 and 2 weeks to be published on Claro Música.

Service Type

The service allows users to stream songs “on” and “offline” through monthly/weekly streaming subscription plans and downloads through monthly/weekly download plans or a la carte downloads.


Claro Música is available in México, Brasil, Argentina, Colombia, Perú, R. Dominicana, Panamá, Ecuador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Paraguay, Uruguay, Chile, Costa Rica.

Pay Rate

Paid Streams:
When a subscriber streams your music, you get paid a proportionate share of Claro Música’s subscription revenue per month, calculated based on terms set out in our platforms’s blanket agreement with the store (this usually excludes streams during a subscriber’s free trial). Payments will fluctuate each month, depending on the amount of subscription revenue generated and how often your music was streamed.

Paid Downloads:
Downloads are available through Claro Música. Payouts are based on territory-specific rates, so for songs downloaded individually, you will be paid the wholesale price of Claro Música’s retail price, calculated based on terms set out in our platforms’s blanket agreement with the store.